Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Love So Amazing...

So.  I feel awesome.  I am happy, I am at peace.  I am so filled with God’s presence that it is indescribable.  I have written about the peace that God gives.  Yet, I don’t think I have ever understood the full extent of it, I don’t think I will ever truly know how far God’s peace and mercy goes.
So.  My oldest son and I were baptized today!  I had no idea it would be so amazing.  I committed my life to God long, long ago.  My faith ever and always growing and developing.  I had a few opportunities to be baptized in the past few years, for one reason or another I did not do it.  I have thought about it often.  Jesus was baptized, he told the disciples to baptize others… When our Pastor mentioned an upcoming baptism service, both my oldest son and I jumped at the chance.  It was time.  It is time.  I was very proud to watch my son be baptized, then it was my turn.  What an experience!  It is very difficult to explain, the love, the peace, the joy…
Dear Lord,
You amaze me continually.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for choosing me, for adopting me into your family!  Every time I open my eyes, I am filled with your love and grace.  Every time I step out my door I am overwhelmed at this world you have created and the majesty that surrounds us!  I have no concept of how people can deny your existence!  You once reminded me that I was a part of this stunning creation of yours.  You reminded me that you, who made all that surrounds us, also crafted me.  You know me, you love me, you amaze me!  I feel your hand in my life, your touch in my soul!  Thank you, Lord!  I will serve you all my days, I will love you with all that I am!  My hands are yours to command Lord.  Please guide me and let my heart and mind remain open to all you have for me!  Please help me to keep on my armor at all times, and always fight for you Lord!  Dear Lord God, I love you!  Please, “let my life-song sing to you”!

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Acts 22:16  (NLT)
What are you waiting for?  Get up and be baptized.  Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

God is With You

Have you ever made a mistake in life and been disciplined for it?  As a kid I remember fighting with my sister.  My dad put us each in opposite corners of the room to wait for the bus (it was before school).  It was the only time I remember being punished by my dad (a look or word was usually enough).  I have no idea what the fight was about, but I remember that corner and the regret I felt for fighting with my sister and disappointing my dad.  I also remember not wanting to be in that corner because there was a spider crawling up the wall!    I also received a detention in high school, for reading… while the teacher was going over an Algebra test… he also took my book away… my mom’s book.  I took my punishment, I knew it was fair, I apologized and mom’s book was returned to me.  I never read in Algebra class again… in fact it was the only class I did not read for fun in until college.  We do things wrong, and if they love us, our parents or teachers or authority figures discipline us, not to be mean, but to help us learn right from wrong.  God does the same thing.

Revelation 3:19 
I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
Hebrews 12:6
For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child."

Sometimes it hurts.  It goes back to the phrase “you made your bed, now you have to lay in it”.  A lot of our miseries are direct results of our own mistakes.  God probably doesn’t have to actively discipline a lot because he can let us deal with our messes.  But he is always there to love and support us through all we must go through, all the lessons we must learn.  He is a loving parent, a loving teacher, a loving guide who doesn’t just throw us out to get through things on our own.  He is always present, always there to love and support.  All we have to do is turn to him.
I want you to ponder something for a bit…  Sometimes the things we go through hurt… a lot.  But, if the hurt is meant to save us from a worse fate, isn’t it worth it?  If the hurt we experience is turning us away from a path to hell, isn’t it worth it?  Think of it this way.  If your child or loved one is about to get ran over by a bus, you would charge out there and slam your whole body into that person, plowing into them and knocking you both to the ground to save their life, right?  Your child and you may be hurt, they may have pain, road rash, and broken bones from the impact and fall… but they are alive.  The pain is a better alternative than death.  Remember that when learning a particularly grueling lesson, the pain is a better alternative than death…

James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Thoughts on Psalm 124

Have you ever read Psalm 124?  It is a tiny little chapter, only 8 verses, but it packs a powerful punch!  In fact, one phrase was worth repeating in 2 of the 8 verses…
            “What if the Lord had not been on our side?”
We live in a world where pessimism is the norm.  People have rejected God, and turned from God, because something didn’t go their way, or because he didn’t do what they wanted him to do.  People seem to believe they know better than God.  Over and over in the Old Testament, God’s people would be living blessed lives – they would turn away from him – they would be disciplined – they would turn back to God – he would forgive them and bless them again.  Around and around.
  Our nation once respected God, worshiped God, and was founded on biblical principles.  At one time, our children learned to read by scripture in every public school.  God was front and center.  No one can argue that we have been a particularly blessed nation as a whole.  Things are changing.  Now our nation is in a trend of rejecting God and pushing him out.  Actually, forcing him out.  I would probably be fired from my teaching position if I required classes to read scripture.  Do you really think our nation will remain in its blessed state for long?
This is where Psalm 124 comes back in.  All these years,
“What if the Lord had not been on our side?”
We could still be under British control.
“What if the Lord had not been on our side?”
We could still know the horrors of slavery.
“What if the Lord had not been on our side?”
We could be under Nazi rule.

The general pessimistic mindset of people today only sees the bad and never acknowledges the good.  They think things are bad, when things are so much worse elsewhere.  No one sees the amazing things God does for his people.  Miracles don’t often make the news anymore.

We have to remember to TRUST that God is smarter than we are and can see the bigger picture.  Know that no matter how bad things seem, they are worse somewhere else, and are only temporary.  You must keep your eyes on Jesus, have faith, don’t turn away, and remember – Jesus has overcome the world!  And “joy comes in the morning”.  We always want the Lord to be on our side.

Monday, September 5, 2016


Have you ever heard the expression ‘venting’?  “I just needed to vent.”  “He was just venting.”  The basic meaning is to ‘vent’, or to get rid of, hot air – steam – or as the phrase has come to mean, anger and frustration.  We ‘vent’ anger about a situation to our friends and family.  Now I must ask you, does the ‘venting’ process help you find peace?
Yesterday I heard an amazing sermon.  It was on forgiveness, focusing on how to handle conflict.  You remember, Jesus’s teachings about talking to the person first, then take witnesses, and then involve the church if repentance could not be reached…  I don’t want to go in depth on this part as I don’t want to accidentally plagiarize.  You can find a refresher in Matthew 18, starting at verse 15.  Anyway, the pastor said something in this sermon that hit me (a lot of things actually).  Is venting just gossip? 

Think about it, you are discussing a problem or situation with someone not involved in that problem or situation.  You are talking about another person without their knowledge – uh – that IS gossip.  Does it solve anything?  Who should you go to then?  GOD!  Matthew 6:33 says “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”  Hmm, I don’t see anywhere in that passage the words ‘go complain to your neighbor, if she can’t figure it out then give God a crack at it’.  No, it says “above all else”, some translations say “Seek ye first”.  Go to God first, if he wants you to discuss it with someone else, he will let you know.  People throughout history ‘vent’ to God – he IS the only one that can actually do anything to make the situation change after all. 

Have you read the Psalms?  The whole thing alternates between praise and venting to God.  There is a lot of prayer venting in Job too.  Now I have to add a disclaimer, yes if we must vent, we should vent to God, but the key to solving the issue is to listen to God.  Be open to hear what he has to say.  Let him show you your part, and how you can change to improve the situation.  Don’t just expect him to fix it all.  Because typically, if we feel the need to vent, then God has given us a challenge to overcome.  There is a part of us that needs some growth.  I am a doormat.  I have been a doormat my entire life.  I am non-confrontational.   Everything I have felt reason to vent over lately, is God trying to ‘un-doormat’ me.  It is hard.  And I do vent to others.  That is part of why this sermon hit home so much.  I was gossiping.  I was giving Satan a foothold in my life.  The only time any situation has improved is when I discussed it with God and followed through with the challenge he has given me.  I am growing.  I am growing in faith and in – uh – forgive the made up word --- nondoormattyness (I think the meaning of that word is self-confidence and strength).

Am I perfect? NO.  Will I gossip more?  Probably.  BUT I am going to work hard to change.  I am going to work hard to seek God first in ALL things.  Try with me.

A few of MANY verses that involve gossip…

Proverbs 16:28 “A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.” 

Proverbs 26:20 “Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.”

Monday, August 22, 2016

Use What God Gives You

Do the best with what you have been given!

    I have to share a little story.  A long while back, I posted about ‘purposeful prayer’.  One thing I have had on my prayer list is to ‘do the best with what I have been given’.  I have a very bad habit of getting very downtrodden and weighted by a lack of funds.  With a family of 6, money is tight, very tight.  BUT, we have a good house, magnificent yard, clothes on our backs and food on our table, and cars that get us where we need to go.  No wiggle room, but God has always taken care of us.  Anyway, back to the point.  I have prayed to do the best with what we have been given, to make things work with the finances God has blessed us with rather than wishing for more.  God has shown me that ‘more’ is not the answer, it is finding better ways to work with what we have.

   I have been doing much better.  I have culled down impulse purchases; I have planned ahead for needs.  As the school year approached I knew we had some big expenses coming.  One thing that I needed to find money for (other than school lunches, student fees, school supplies, and clothes for 4 teenagers) was new shoes for myself.  I have resisted new boots because decent dress boots are expensive.  I wore the same 2 pair of shoes all last year as the rest fell apart – the 2 that I wore began to fall apart towards spring.  No more avoiding, I had to have shoes for school.  I was expecting a minimum $40, and those are the ones that fall apart in 4 months.  So I prayed again to do the best with what I have been given.  I set aside money to go boot shopping.  To best use what I have been given, I first headed to a thrift store that usually has decent stuff (even though I rarely have luck finding decent boots at thrift stores).  I walk in the door and I am face to face with a long rack covered with boots!  On both sides!  Any kind of boot you could have wanted, all in good shape, and under $15.  At that stop I bought not one, but 2 pair of good boots for $26!  A few days later, I found another pair for $3.  A week later a woman at church gives me a bag of shoes, 3 pair of dress shoes and 2 pair of short boots!  Now, for under $30 I have more ‘teacher shoes’ than I can wear in a week, more shoes than I have EVER owned at one time!  I know this may not seem like a big deal to some.  But I see the miracle.  God has his hand in even the small things of life.  God hears our prayer.  God teaches and guides us.  God answers prayers and rewards.  God always provides!  Power of prayer!

Now I have to decide which pairs to pass on, so others can also be blessed!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

God's Grace and Peace in All Situations

Today, was a day.

A day that makes you want to go back to bed and never come out.
 I had to go to Lincoln for a few appointments.  No worries there.  During a gap of time between appointments, my son and I decided to 'kill some time' at Target.  Didn't buy anything, just looked around, tried on clothes that didn't fit right, and headed for the car.  Half way through the parking lot... "Where are my keys?"  No keys in the pockets, no keys visible in the car.  I didn't not get out of the car right after parking it... those are the times I am most likely to leave my keys behind...  No keys in the dressing room, no keys in the store at ALL, no keys at the service desk...  No spare key hiding under the car.  Call a locksmith - don't want to ask husband to take time from his day to drive 2 hours to help me, I can deal with this myself, besides the keys are probably in car.  Prices start at $20, should be okay.  Locksmith comes, unlocks car, wants $120!!!  I do not have $120, locksmith takes $80.  Now, I have no money, AND the keys were NOT in the car.  Missed appointment, have to reschedule for later in afternoon.  Husband drives up anyway and gives me spare key.

We went to lunch (hubby paid - I had no money), and 'killed some MORE time' - keeping close track of my key.  Went to rescheduled appointment (received more money than I had planned on - that was good)!  Called my principal to let him know I lost a key ring with keys to the school on it... Left town... Target called --- they found my keys!!!!  Blessings!  Called principal back with the good news.  Turned around and went back to Target (in the middle of town) to retrieve the keys!  As we were pulling into the parking lot "Scrape, thump, thump" says my car.  Turn into a parking stall, "scrape, thump, thump" says my car.  Now what...  now nothing, there are no visible issues with the car...  Got the keys.  Headed for home - with occasional sounds from my car, coupled with stops to circle the car and look underneath - we made it safely home....

$80 and several hours later... what is my point and what did I learn?

1) Stay calm.
2) Let others help you (letting my husband come up the first time -like he wanted to- would have saved me $80!).
3) Let God have your worries and accept his peace!
4) Locksmiths are a last resort - and it is okay to cry in front of them when they overcharge you.
5) Focus on the blessings and see the humor in the rest!!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Stand Firm

I was leafing through my bible looking for a reminder of the Armor of God.  I haven’t thought about it for a while and needed a little refresher.  No matter how many times you read the bible, truths always spring up new and fresh!  This really hit me, again!

Ephesians 6:10-12
A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.  For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

Wow!  I have been rather grumpy lately.  Like a brick of despair was sitting on my chest.  Things are getting on my nerves that I am usually able to brush away.  I have been getting frustrated with people in my family and even games I have played.  This verse refreshed and reminded me – it is not the people around us that we are fighting against.  That is just one of Satan’s tricks.   He sows discord and wants us to focus on the people and the issues rather than facing and recognizing what he is doing to us and fighting him.  Don’t give Satan that foothold, don’t let him steer your emotions and shake your faith through the actions of others.  He is what is wrong, not ‘flesh-and-blood’ people.

The shield of faith is to turn away the “fiery arrows of the devil”.  What are your fiery arrows?  Lies that you are no good?  Actions of others or yourself that make you angry?  (The devil likes us to be angry, it is hard to do God’s work when we are angry.)  Lies that you are a failure?  Lies that you can’t control your own thoughts or emotions?  God equips us with that shield to protect us from those arrows.  He has also given us a way to fight back – the ‘Sword of the Spirit’ – the word of God.  The bible!  In the bible holds the answers and truths to fight back against all the tricks Satan uses to pull us down!  Use the word to counteract the lies of Satan and words or actions of others that are aimed to hurt you or knock you off of your firm stance. 

Take your stance in faith and trust.  Put on the shoes of peace, knowing you are saved, and preparing yourself.  Don’t let Satan run you down, stand strong.

Turn to Ephesians 6, verses 10 to 18, and stand firm in your faith.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Have you noticed the Under Armor craze around us?  I am not sure about other parts of the country, but kids around here look like they are drowning in the Under Armor logo.  It is ‘the brand’ to wear.  I have never understood how having a certain label or symbol on your clothes made them worth 5 times as much money.  Kids seem to think they will only be cool or accepted if they are wearing that symbol.

Let me ask you this.  Do you want to be accepted, to be in God’s ‘in crowd’?  That brand is free.  That brand gets you relationships that are not based on how much your clothes cost.  That brand is worth devotion and praise.  The brand Jesus puts on your heart when you repent of your sins and accept him is the only brand that keeps you out of hell and guarantees eternal life in heaven with him.  Now THAT is a valuable brand.  People tried selling it years ago, but they were wrong.  You can’t buy this brand with money, it is much too valuable for mere money. 

No one can take their special clothes they buy here on earth with them when they die, or when Jesus returns.  You can’t run up and pack all of your Under Armor.   Clothing brands cannot change who you are, or make you beautiful to God.   Only Christ’s brand can do that.  Only Christ’s brand on your heart.  Wouldn’t it be great if people worked as hard for Christ as they do to acquire certain things or brands of things?  We would live in a different world!

Ephesians 1:13 ----And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

Revelation 7:2-3 ----'And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.' 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Live Like There is No Tomorrow

“Live like there is no tomorrow!”

I am sure you have heard that quote.  It’s general meaning tends to imply that you should do what you want to do when you want to do it.  People think it means that you never know when you will die so you had better enjoy life now.  I want you to step back a bit and ponder a new spin for that phrase.

What if there is no tomorrow because Jesus returned today?

How would that alter the choices you make?

If we truly want to ‘live like there was no tomorrow’ we need to consider where we would be tomorrow if Jesus were to return today or our life were to end today.  Tomorrow – we would be seeing heaven or hell.   The choices we make today choose our tomorrow.  How does that change your perspective on that phrase? 

It really is a good motto to live by.

“Live like Jesus returns tomorrow!”

Monday, April 25, 2016

Purposeful Prayer

    Have you ever read the book The Help?  It was a big title a few years ago, made into a movie and all that.  There was a little sideline that was discussed in the book that really hit home with me (this was barely mentioned in the movie - it got about one line if I heard correctly).  Anyhow, one of the main characters wrote out her prayers.  She not only wrote out her prayers but was a true 'prayer warrior'.   Other characters would ask her to put them on her prayer list, and there was an obvious response from God once someone was added to her prayer list.  These little snippets and side stories sprinkled throughout the book inspired me.  I want to write out my prayers and prayer lists.  I started small.  I am a person who never remembers to do something until the wrong time, therefore it took awhile to get going.

    Three or so weeks ago I began improving my purposeful prayer.  I listed three specific things, a few families that needed extra prayer and a situation in our own home.  During my prayers and random conversation with God I specifically brought up these items at least twice a day.  These families were in many prayers, not just mine.  But a rather striking thing happened.  All at once I realized how clearly God had answered my prayers, it was like a prayer answering rainfall.  One family got the house they so desperately needed, another dear friend's father had a giant tumor removed - it was not cancerous after all, and our finances began to lighten up at home.  All of these (especially the giant non-cancerous tumor), are amazing works of God, true blessings for those involved!  Then I began to look around at other things that I felt had entered into my prayers 'willy nilly' - but on a regular basis, and I could see answers in my life.

     These realizations spurred me on.  I now keep a very specific prayer list of praises, forgiveness neededs, and requests.  Like in the movie 'War Room', prayer that is focused can have an amazing effect on your life.  Of course you must always be prepared for whatever answer you receive, and spend time listening to what God has to say - but God is listening, and God does care.  Talk to Him, praise Him, thank Him, repent to Him, LISTEN to Him, and ask Him!  He hears!

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Philippians 3:8

What is the most important thing in your life?
What do you worry about the most?
What do you spend the most time doing?
What truly matters to you?
What effects your life a week from now?  A year?  10 years?  At the end?

Give a bit of time and thought to this verse that I opened up to this morning from 

Philippians 3:8 
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value 
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord"
     Have you noticed that a lot of our worries have nothing to do with God?  A lot of what we do, has nothing to do with God?  If supper is 10 minutes late, or we don't have any vegetables, will anyone even remember tomorrow?  If your hair isn't perfect, are you going to loose your job?  If you are get pneumonia and miss 3 weeks of work, will it be any more than a memory a year from now?

       What does matter, what does effect our lives and the next generations behind us is God.  Our relationship with Him colors our entire lives.  It changes how we treat others, it shapes our personality and attitudes, and therefore, it also shapes how we raise and treat our kids and therefore how they raise and treat their kids and goes on and on and on!  The most important effect for us and the legacy we pass to our following generations is eternity.  The verse says 'the infinite value of knowing Christ' - infinite-.  That word, infinite, is not just that our relationship with Christ effects every part of our life and legacy, it is also where we spend eternity.  It is the difference between heaven and hell.  Tell me, what is more important - the kind of car you drive for the next 3 years, or 
where you spend eternity?

         There is nothing more valuable than knowing Christ in our hearts and acting upon his teaching.  The more of the bible you read, the more time you spend with the Lord, the more you consult him for advice rather than the world, the more you practice his teaching, and follow his leading --- the better your life will be, the better relationships you will have, the better fruit you will produce, the better legacy you will leave, the better eternity you will have.

Philippians 3:14
"Press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."