Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Monday, April 25, 2016

Purposeful Prayer

    Have you ever read the book The Help?  It was a big title a few years ago, made into a movie and all that.  There was a little sideline that was discussed in the book that really hit home with me (this was barely mentioned in the movie - it got about one line if I heard correctly).  Anyhow, one of the main characters wrote out her prayers.  She not only wrote out her prayers but was a true 'prayer warrior'.   Other characters would ask her to put them on her prayer list, and there was an obvious response from God once someone was added to her prayer list.  These little snippets and side stories sprinkled throughout the book inspired me.  I want to write out my prayers and prayer lists.  I started small.  I am a person who never remembers to do something until the wrong time, therefore it took awhile to get going.

    Three or so weeks ago I began improving my purposeful prayer.  I listed three specific things, a few families that needed extra prayer and a situation in our own home.  During my prayers and random conversation with God I specifically brought up these items at least twice a day.  These families were in many prayers, not just mine.  But a rather striking thing happened.  All at once I realized how clearly God had answered my prayers, it was like a prayer answering rainfall.  One family got the house they so desperately needed, another dear friend's father had a giant tumor removed - it was not cancerous after all, and our finances began to lighten up at home.  All of these (especially the giant non-cancerous tumor), are amazing works of God, true blessings for those involved!  Then I began to look around at other things that I felt had entered into my prayers 'willy nilly' - but on a regular basis, and I could see answers in my life.

     These realizations spurred me on.  I now keep a very specific prayer list of praises, forgiveness neededs, and requests.  Like in the movie 'War Room', prayer that is focused can have an amazing effect on your life.  Of course you must always be prepared for whatever answer you receive, and spend time listening to what God has to say - but God is listening, and God does care.  Talk to Him, praise Him, thank Him, repent to Him, LISTEN to Him, and ask Him!  He hears!

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Philippians 3:8

What is the most important thing in your life?
What do you worry about the most?
What do you spend the most time doing?
What truly matters to you?
What effects your life a week from now?  A year?  10 years?  At the end?

Give a bit of time and thought to this verse that I opened up to this morning from 

Philippians 3:8 
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value 
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord"
     Have you noticed that a lot of our worries have nothing to do with God?  A lot of what we do, has nothing to do with God?  If supper is 10 minutes late, or we don't have any vegetables, will anyone even remember tomorrow?  If your hair isn't perfect, are you going to loose your job?  If you are get pneumonia and miss 3 weeks of work, will it be any more than a memory a year from now?

       What does matter, what does effect our lives and the next generations behind us is God.  Our relationship with Him colors our entire lives.  It changes how we treat others, it shapes our personality and attitudes, and therefore, it also shapes how we raise and treat our kids and therefore how they raise and treat their kids and goes on and on and on!  The most important effect for us and the legacy we pass to our following generations is eternity.  The verse says 'the infinite value of knowing Christ' - infinite-.  That word, infinite, is not just that our relationship with Christ effects every part of our life and legacy, it is also where we spend eternity.  It is the difference between heaven and hell.  Tell me, what is more important - the kind of car you drive for the next 3 years, or 
where you spend eternity?

         There is nothing more valuable than knowing Christ in our hearts and acting upon his teaching.  The more of the bible you read, the more time you spend with the Lord, the more you consult him for advice rather than the world, the more you practice his teaching, and follow his leading --- the better your life will be, the better relationships you will have, the better fruit you will produce, the better legacy you will leave, the better eternity you will have.

Philippians 3:14
"Press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."