We lost our little puppy, Junior - and really not so little, last Wednesday. Our kids don't know yet; they are all at their 'other parents' for Thanksgiving. He was an adorable little guy, full of spunk and life... We have not had good luck with our dogs lately. The best dog ever turned out to not be the 'best', but we still think of him that way. He was a German Shepherd and very protective. The problem was that he didn't always understand fun from hurt. My brother was giving the kids a ride on our giant tire swing, they were laughing and screaming - having a ball! Jack thought my brother was hurting them and ran over and took a chunk out of my brother's leg... Rowdy, a little rat terrier, we sent to a better home. He was a little guy that loved laps, he just wanted everyone to sit and pet him all day. We always said that he would be so much happier if he could have one owner - just him and his owner- and spend their entire day together. We were having a garage sale in town and a man came up searching for 'something'. We asked if we could help him find anything particular and he replied "Na, I was really looking for a dog. I am a trucker, and I want a little dog to ride with me wherever I go. I get lonely." After talking to the man for awhile, we realized that little Rowdy may miss us for a few days, but he would love life with this man! So we let him go, for his own happiness. I should mention that we also have Chris, our black lab, he is happy (was) and healthy. He is taking Junior's loss badly. We think Junior may have been hit by a car, or he got into a fight with a wild animal (we live out in the middle of nowhere). We only had him for 3 months or so, he was a July puppy. I miss him. Now, here's the deal, I love my animals, but don't like their mess. I am a neat freak in house with 2 big dogs, 3 cats, 4 kids, and a husband. I did not think I would be sad if we gave up a dog. I am. You don't know what you've got until its gone. I have found there is a big difference between 'giving up' a dog and having one taken from you. One you had counted on keeping. I wander what the reason is. I have found most things in life have a reason or purpose. I have learned to trust God that I may not always know that reason or purpose. Some things seem terrible, but if you trust God with them, it all works out in the end. Now I know people have much bigger problems than a dead dog, I am not trying to downplay ANYONE'S sorrow. I know that some truly terrible things happen in life, and there are some giant thorns in life that are really more like spears or trees. But the same stands, just trust God. When we gave our little dog away, our friends dog had a litter of 10 puppies! (Yes that is where Jr. came from.) So what's next I wonder. I wonder if there is a shelter dog that needs rescued or something like that. I know we will find out in time. God will always let us know.
Trusting God is like trusting that the sun will come up, that stars are shining behind the clouds. We know they are there. We know God is there. Sometimes it may seem like he has left you alone, but those are the times he is encouraging patience. He wants us to wait for his timing, and see just what he has to offer us. My little girl prayed for her big sister to come live with us for three years, every night! She never gave up! That sister has been living with us for the last year and a half. She didn't give up for three years. What she prays for daily now is to see her mom. After they both chose (3 years apart) to live with us, their mom began to tell them she didn't have the money to meet us halfway. When we had time to drive them all the way out (3 1/2 hours one way), she said she had to work, or didn't have money to 'do' anything with them. In short, they saw there mother twice during the school year, once last summer, and they are there now for Thanksgiving. Before Wednesday, they had not seen her for 6 months! I can't go that long without seeing my mom and I am 37! She prays for it every night, to see her mom, that her mom and other sisters could know the Lord. She raises her hand every Sunday in church for the church to pray for her to see her mom. The older sister (13) has more or less given up. She has become very cynical where her mother is concerned. She also took her bible to do bible study with her little half sister (I think the little sister is 7 or so). Now we can see God's purpose a little more clearly with that one. For the oldest to move into and entirely new environment and way of life (3 siblings, parents that make you do your homework and give you hugs, not being allowed or able to run around town, different rules and problem solving strategies, different expectations... and she was 12 going in to 7th grade) - I am assuming not seeing her old life very often probably helped the transitions more than we will ever know! But I also don't 'trust' that I know God's will. His will is for him to know, and us to trust! And I know they are hurt by her reasons for not seeing them. They both call me mom now. I feel that is one of the jobs God has tasked me with, is bringing them up in the Lord, in his word. They didn't have that before. My own sons have grown up relying on God, but I have noticed they have just as difficult time letting go and trusting as the girls do. I would say our youngest daughter has the most thorough trust. ( Our kids are a girl at 13, a boy at 12 - 13 in a month, a girl at 11, and another boy at 10 -- the girls are from my husbands former marriage and the boys are from my first marriage). A Brady Bunch family that doesn't act much like the Brady Bunch - I will talk about that someday, I am not skirting the divorce and remarriage issue.
Anywhoo, I feel like I have been rambling a bit. I guess my point, through loosing dogs, answered prayers, kids not seeing their parents.... we need to trust in the Lord. 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding' - (I can never remember locations, just the verses themselves.) Basically we are control freaks, we have to let go, we have to trust that God knows what is best for us. We don't want to miss out on what God has planned for us because we are to busy worrying and fighting him. Just trust!
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