Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ignore the 'wind and the waves'

The bible says to pray for our enemies.
Who is your enemy?

Anyone or anything that causes your gaze to switch to the wind and the waves rather than staying steady on Jesus is your enemy.

Anyone or anything that causes you to veer out of what is pleasing and right to the Lord is your enemy.

What happens when you allow your gaze to stray away from Jesus and focus on the wind and the waves?   

You sink.

The waves surround you,
 they block out the light,
 and the love 
of Jesus.

                The wind blasts into you, knocking you down again and again,
 you don’t see the rock steady hand of Jesus reaching for you.

You begin to sink into the dark abyss.

                Pray for all the things that threaten to shift your gaze or change your focus.

 Cry out to the Lord for your enemies
and He will hear your cry.
He will turn to you.
 His light will shine on you.
 His love will surround you.
  His hand will reach for you.
He will pull you from the muck and the mire.
  He will set your feet on solid ground.
He will steady you as you regain your footing.
He will hold you.
He will love you.
He will adore you.

Jesus is always there to hold, love, and adore you.

                You just have to notice Him waiting patiently at your side.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie - we have featured this post on the Ruby for Women blog today. Just wanted you to know so that you can share it with your friends and family on your social media sites. Here's the link:

    Thanks for being part of the Ruby Blogger Team! Nina @ Ruby for Women
