Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Does life get in the way?

Life Just Gets in the Way
I woke up early today,
but life just gets in the way,
I had to wash my hair, make coffee, make a list,
life just gets in the way,
I needed to check for new posts, you understand,
life just gets in the way,
Then I got this Twitter feed from my favorite star,
life just gets in the way,
I am so busy, I have so much that needs done,
life just gets in the way,
I need to sweep my floor, and wash my clothes,
life just gets in the way,
I meant to find solitude to study and pray,
but life just gets in the way,
I just don’t have time to get away,
life just gets in the way,
I really did want to talk to you today,
life just gets in the way,
Now, I really just don’t know what to say,
life just got in the way.

Does this happen to you?  Do you put off communion with God because the life he has gifted you with is so full of things that ‘simply must be done’?  What happens when our children have a gift we have given them, a toy or game, which takes up all of their time?  It takes up so much time that they don’t keep their grades up, or don’t do their chores, or never come to talk to you.  We take it away, we limit its use.  What do you suppose will happen when we leave God out all the time.  He could take the blessings away, or worse yet, he could take himself away.  Our focus, our top priority, should be on him, everything else is just frosting.

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