Everyone makes mistakes.
No one is perfect. I have heard
that Amish will leave a flaw in every quilt they make, because no one is
perfect. So, if no one is perfect, why
do we emulate other humans? I often find
kids at school waiting for others to answer and then parroting that given
answer. This is a very common coping mechanism
to appear busy and focused, or intelligent and interactive, and yet still not
do any work. I don’t want them to follow other students – it is like the blind
leading the blind.
Matthew 15:14 “So ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and
if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch.”
There is also a habit I have noticed of putting authority
figures on little pedestals. What we
MUST keep in mind is that they are human too.
They will make mistakes too.
While they can often offer wisdom in a situation – we should still go to
God first. We should always seek our
guidance from God before anyone – sound familiar? Thou shall have no other gods before Me? The commandment. We often take the words of others, including
a Pastor or teacher’s words, as law and true.
But teachers, pastors, elders, any authority figure – they are all human
too. And they CAN make mistakes. God should always come first, in everything,
even advice. Who better can we ask for
advice? Who can offer us the best
guidance for our situation; who knows our unique situations better? GOD DOES!
Sometimes he will send us someone
to bring us clarity, or direct us to someone who can help. Trust God, just like the widow trusted God
enough to feed Elijah from her last bit of food, and Elijah trusted God enough to
continue to refill the food – we must trust God to lead us the right way. (Read more in 1 Kings 17)
We do have a choice.
We can follow Jesus. The right
way to handle every situation is right there in front of us in the bible; in
the Sword of the Spirit! Jesus IS
perfect! His ways are shown to us in the
pages of God’s Word. We should be
emulating Jesus in our choices, and behaviors, and words, and actions. HE is the WAY! God has given us our own instruction manual
to life, our own guidebook for the wilderness of the world today…. We just have to choose to use it. Don’t fall in the ditch. Don’t
copy the kid who blurts out the answers; copy Jesus!
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