Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Exercising Your Faith

Exercise!  Be slim and trim and perfect!  No rolls, no flaps (that is what my kids call the fat/skin that hangs from the upper arm)!  We are bombarded with ‘be perfect’ propaganda.  The image of perfection bar is set VERY high.  I can’t even imagine the amount that is spent every year on diet everything.  Pills, drinks, food, trainers, gyms, videos, and advertising is a multi-million dollar industry.   Although I think many of this goes way too far, I do think we should be healthy and get plenty of exercise to stay healthy.  We all know that when you exercise you stay in shape, improve your appearance, and get stronger.

Think about that for a moment.  If you exercise you stay in shape, improve your appearance, and get stronger, right?  How often do you exercise your faith?  If we exercise our faith, it stays in shape, improves our appearance, and makes our faith - and us - stronger.  Stronger in faith and a stronger relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Why do we want our faith to be in shape?  If our faith is well exercised and active, we are ready to face whatever we encounter in life.  We are able to handle and succeed (with God’s help) in whatever work He has for us to do.  

How does a strong faith improve our appearance?  We are pleasing in the eyes of God.  We shine his glory forth for others to see.  Our faith and God’s ways (kindness to others, love, mercy) is passed on to others.  When your faith and joy shine on your face - your appearance - inside and out - is improved.

How does exercising your faith make it stronger?  Anything you put work and practice into improves and is strengthened.  If you work on your faith, the truths and actions become more automatic.  They become a part of us and no longer seems like work or effort.  Exercising our faith helps us to LIVE our faith.  It changes you.

How?  Pray a lot, listen to and sing worship music, read devotionals or books about your walk with God, listen to God’s will in your life, and most of all - read and study your bible!  Just like it takes effort to be healthy - it takes effort to keep your faith healthy!  What happens if you never exercise?  Your muscles get weak, your heart gets weak, you can’t run far without stopping… I could go on and on - never exercising increases your risk of death.  Not exercising our faith has the same effects.  Your faith and relationship with God gets weak, your heart gets weak, you can’t go through trials without giving up - - - - never exercising your faith increases your risk of eternal death.

Think about it.

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