Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Puppy Praise

Have you ever watched a new puppy?  When they are not sleeping they have a driven brain.  Not always focused on one task at a time, but driven!  We have a new puppy.  He was a free puppy, one that no one wanted.  He is a white, fluffy, soft, furry ball of curly fuzz, with floppy tan ears.  He is a mix of, let me see... Maltese, Miniature Poodle, and Cocker Spaniel.  His goal in life is to play.  He does sleep a lot, but when not sleeping his singular driven goal is to play!  He is so little he does not like to jump off the couch, he will if no one responds to his requests to be lifted down, then he will jump.  He chews.  He chews his toys, he chews the couch, he chews the rugs, he chews my kids’ ears, he tries to chew my fingers as I type.  Fortunately, as he learns what is acceptable to chew and what is not – his teeth are too little to do any damage.  He is not a popular little guy with the other pets.  We have two medium to large dogs that will not have anything to do with the bundle of energy.  One dog is very old, the lab is only 3.  They don’t like him - they avoid him - he chews their toes and tails.  He also cleans their faces whenever he can reach them.  The cats have not tried to kill him, this is a positive, but they avoid him also.  He’s lonely in a house full of pets.
  The kids however love him, even when they have to get him out of the other dog’s food and take him out for bathrooming.  (Although one daughter can’t make him come in, he has figured out that she will chase him if he runs away, at least he’s smart.)  I have taught him to come for a bit of cat food.  One little piece of the forbidden kitty food is his all-time favorite treat!  He will do anything for a piece of kitty food (which resides safely up in the cat house).
I do in fact have a point here.  Our zeal for God.  What would our life be like if we had the zeal for God that a puppy has for getting into trouble?  Can you imagine the joy?  Can you imagine happiness of a life filled with a singular drive for God?  It would be amazing.  All you do to meet the daily demands of life can be all wrapped up and packaged with a joy and fullness that only comes from Christ! 
Summer has hit, along with the demands of school disappearing, all our usual routines and schedules have also disappeared.  One and a half weeks into summer break have felt even busier than the school year.  I have missed several Wednesday bible studies, I missed church last Sunday, and it is dragging me down.  I finished the bible again the other day, in trying to decide what book I want to start up again with, I have read short random passages, and only when I am very tired and heading right to bed.  I felt the absence of a focus on God in my life.  I sat down today, determined to write this blog, and return to a singular focus on God.  It feels so good!  I am not missing more bible study, no weekend plans up and coming, and I have begun my reading again in Jeramiah (picking up where we were in all the bible studies I missed).  My goal for the day, one day at a time, is to have a puppy’s focus on God!  I may do lots of different things in my day.  I may run here and there, but I will keep my focus on God.  As I say this, my lab has finally began to play with the new puppy (for a bit).  Great things come from a singular focus.  God likes to bless us with kitty treats.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Matthew 6:33 ESV

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Proverbs 4:25 ESV

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.

(bible verses pulled from

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