Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Are You to Busy for LIFE

Are you to busy for God?  We are a busy people.  Kids have sports and specialized lessons.  Adults have the gym, and meetings, and functions.  Families spend all their time running here and there.  Even church calendars and functions can keep you hopping.  Where is God in all of this?  
 I get very run down even though my kids are in no sports or activities, (some may think that is terrible – there was a time that all these activities didn’t exist.  It was family time.  Kids didn’t run out and get into trouble, because they were with their families… ), the lack of activities is their choice, and I am proud of them.  I am more proud of them choosing faith, family, and grades than I could have been for any great athletic feat anyway.  That was a little squirrel track.

We still feel like we are running everywhere now that school has started.  We feel the strain on our time together.  But I am starting to believe that run down feeling isn’t’ just because we are busy.  I think it is because God often gets left behind, I take him with me, I try, I pray little prayers all the time, but my focus is elsewhere.  We are rushing here and rushing there, not taking the time to sit and commune with God.  Not taking the time to feed our souls, to receive our daily bread.  Devotions has to be earlier and crushed before bed time, I am to tired to focus on my nightly reading, my writing is suffering, I miss bible study…  In the summer I would post something every other day, sometimes every day.  Now I am down to twice a week.  And this week, only one (when I am finished I have at least 5 hours of school work ahead of me).  I started it last Thursday but ran out of time, I had to get other things ready for school (like myself) – I had to get my daughter up to finish homework (not feeling well the night before), etc.  And I had only written half of a disjointed page!  How am I serving God in this.  I am detached, depressed, how can I be of service to God, and serve him when I do not have the time to commune with him…

Sometimes I wonder if I am supposed to be teaching.  I am helping kids to learn, I teach special education, I NEVER hide my faith, even though I am in a public school.  In a small town like I teach in, most of the teachers share my faith.  I am not sure how people can teach without faith.  But I wish I knew.

I never, ever want to be to busy for God.   Colossians 3:2 “Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.” To be to busy for God is to die…  My devotion time and writing keep me going.  I need the Lord to be at peace.  The plan, the result, what should we do?  Love God.  Keep God’s will with you wherever you go, whatever you do.  Pause to focus, set apart time in your day that no one else can intrude upon – just you and God.  Keep reading your bible.  When you feel that overwhelmed, crushing feeling - - well, when we feel a need we always make it to the bathroom for ‘alone time’ - - this is also a need, a need just as worthy of attention.  Head to the bathroom where everyone will leave you alone, and pray.  That’s what I am going to try – time out for God!  Just as some people send their kids to time-out for behavior, we need to send ourselves to time-out to prevent our own poor behavior.  Maybe I can do my bible study at lunch, and my devotional before bed?  I just know it is necessary, nothing is more important!  I don't want to loose eternal life for the life here on earth!  Only God matters!  Don't be to busy in life to receive LIFE!

Matthew 6:33  
Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

1Peter 3:17 
Remember it is better to suffer doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

Matthew 6:24  
No one can serve two masters, for you will hate one and love the other, you will be devoted to one and despise the other…

Philippians 4:8
…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


God wants me to learn something…  Isn’t it a bit scary when God asks you to learn something new, something out of your comfort zone?  You wonder, what now, if I learn this, what does the next step of my life look like.  God has wanted me to learn this skill for a while.  Thinking back, I probably changed teaching positions just because this is a skill that I lack…  Have you had anything that God wants you to learn, but haven’t had the guts to do it yet?

Well, I believe God wants me to learn to take charge.  He wants me to learn how to stand up for myself and ‘direct traffic’ – in other words, tell people (adults) what to do and how to do it.  And he wants me to learn to deal with people who are in my charge and just plain out of line.  He doesn’t want me to address only the big stuff, but the small stuff too. 

I am a special education teacher.  I have students that need someone with them all the time, every minute of every day.  That means I have people that I am in charge of, and they work with the student and carry out the plan for his or her day – the plan that it is my job to create.  I am usually easy to work with; I rely on input from these people to develop the student’s educational plan.  I don’t get upset easily and really let many frustrations go.  Last year I was often irritated because this person would not follow the plan set out, and just let the student wander around or watch movies.  His schedule is very routine and strict because that is the only way he will progress.  But I was new, and I let things go.  The room was a mess all the time and she was on her phone A LOT.  She would often tell me what I ‘needed’ to do, usually things that would destroy my relationship with the student’s parents.   There was always drama, drama, drama. 
This year I tried to schedule the people I worked with so she would spend less time in my classroom with this student.  It didn’t work.  I have to face her.  I have to tell her how she MUST work with this student, that the phone MUST remain in her purse, and that she MUST clean up after herself...  I am terrible at telling people what to do.  But I am not even giving her a chance!  She can’t change if she doesn’t know I need her to!  Well yesterday was big.  She is supposed to take two students to the store to buy snacks and cooking needs for the next week…  She didn’t go.  I was in a meeting, she told the other para-educator that she didn’t have a list, didn’t know where the van keys were (not true) and wasn’t’ going…  Well, she and the kids were supposed to have created the list in class the day before…  Which means she didn’t do that either…  We had talked about this store trip right before I left the room, I had called parents, I told a student that as soon as he finished 5 math problems they would go.  Nothing was mentioned about not going – she just didn’t go.  Now I am stuck, I have to deal with this; but I don’t want to.

I do know that God wants me to learn this.  This situation is my fault.  I have let this happen.  I should have intervened when the annoyances were small, and now they have grown way out of proportion.  Now I have a big problem to deal with.  God has given me many opportunities to deal with this ‘insubordination’ –for lack of a better term- and I have let it go.  Now it is big, and will only grow if I let it slide.  I need to give her a chance.  I need to learn what God wants me to learn, because I don’t know what he has in store for my future and obviously this is a skill I need.  I must learn to stand up for myself.  This is not the only problem at this school that I have due to my inability to speak up.  God wants me to realize that standing up for yourself does not ALWAYS mean you are whining.  I have come so close to quitting teaching altogether.  I love teaching, I love my students.  I cannot handle the drama and insignificant crud that comes with teaching.  I want to work with kids, but to do that I must apparently learn to stand up for myself.  That, or God wants to drive me out of teaching to do another work for him?  Maybe?  Ya think?  Possible, but I am probably supposed to learn this skill before I can do that work…

Think of this verse:
Hebrews 11:1  Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.
Really, what is the worst that can happen?  If she is really angry with me she will go to the principal or another special education teacher and ask to be put in a different position – problem solved.  I need to strengthen my trust.  I am actually quite sure that she will be surprised to realize this all has bothered me and I have totally wasted my time worrying about it. 

If there is anything in your life that God wants you to learn, learn it!  Learn it and move on, keep your eyes on the Lord!  We (I) should not be wasting any of the time that God has gifted us in stress!  What a waste!!  If God wants you to learn something, it is obviously in your best interest to learn it!  Let it go, follow God’s will, learn the lesson, and be at peace!!
John 14:1   "Don't let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God and trust also in me."   (this is Jesus talking)

Isaiah 40:31  But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 41:10  Don't be afraid, for I am with you.  Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up in my victorious right hand.

Psalm 37:5  Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust him and he will help you.

Psalms 46:1-3  God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.  Let the oceans roar and foam.  Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Work has been rough.  Very busy.  I’m exhausted at the end of every day.  Sometimes I feel that ‘to do list’ pile on my head and start pushing me down.  But I keep my eyes on the Lord and things have gotten way, way, way better.  I sat down to type a devotional last night and just drew a total blank.  My mind no longer functioned.  Well, it often doesn’t function at night – I usually do my writing early in the morning.  Anyhow, I sat down this morning and began.  I have been seeing negatives lately, and decided I needed to count my blessings.  It occurred to me that you all may need a reminder to count your blessings too…
God has given me a beautiful home.  It may not be beautiful to everyone’s standards, but it is to mine.  My kids are awesome.  Their ages range from 10 to 14 – 3 of my 4 kids are in the midst of ‘the change!” yet they are still awesome, respectful, caring, and helpful.  That is a fabulous blessing!  Money is tight, very tight, but we have what we need.  That is an amazing blessing.  But, my biggest blessing these last few weeks, as the school year has thrown us all into a mindless frenzy, has been my husband.  I realized this morning all that he has done – and even though I noticed and appreciate the things he has done- I have not expressed it well.  There have been many aggravations as our nerves have been tight, but so many more blessings.  Kevin, my husband, has made supper every night.  He has made good, real food, like lasagna and pork chops!  He has done laundry; he has even kept his stuff of the kitchen table!  (that is major!!!)  He helped the kids with their science projects; he supervised homework; he has made my life easier.  And yet I have not recognized the blessing he has been…
Thank you Lord for your blessings!  Thank you Lord for pointing them out when we ask you to!
Remember to ask Him, ask the Lord; remember to reflect on your blessings!  Remember to see the good and keep your eyes focused on God!  An unrecognized blessing is… I don’t know… terrible, awful, hurtful, stupid… just plain stupid.  Thank God every day!  He has given us trees, air, beauty, horizons, rain, breezes, sunshine, sunrises, family, homes, spouses, and so much more.  He has given us life… he has given us Christ!  THANK HIM!
This song from church in my childhood just popped into my head – we sing a different version in my church now – but this says it all!

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Praise God the Father who’s the source;
Praise God the Son who is the course;
Praise God the Spirit who’s the flow;
Praise God, our portion here below!

We all enjoy acknowledgement or recognition for the things we do for others.  It is great to do something nice for someone anonymously, but we like to have our hard work appreciated by someone.  God has given us more than anyone.  Don’t forget to thank him.  And don’t forget to thank the people in your life for all that they do for you; for they themselves ARE blessings – or gifts - from God.
Luke 1:47  How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
Romans 5:11  So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.
Romans 5:3-5  We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.  And this hope will not lead to disappointment.  For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

1 2 3 Eyes on Me

The school year has officially begun.  I am determined that you will not hear less from me!  Sorry, but that’s just the way it is!  We have a new principal at our school.  I am excited, she is fresh off of teaching in a classroom and still lives in the real world; she is doing a great job.  She began her first elementary assembly to start of the year a few days ago with a book and teaching the kids what she expects in an assembly.  She spent some time teaching them her attention getting method.  She says, “123 eyes on me!” to which the kids are to respond “1 2 eyes on you!” I thought, that’s cute, I have learned that before but had forgotten it as I have never had a large enough group of kids that required me to use a method like that.  Then I left and it was out of my mind in the hubbub of the first of the year.  

 So, I have not had a good week.  It is only my second year at this school and the other teachers still do not appear to trust me yet and really don’t seem to think I know what I am doing.  I am trying to get kids into more classes and not have them shut away from their peers so much, and others really don’t like that a lot.  Between that and the organization of a class like mine, it has been an overwhelming week.  I did as much as I could over the summer, but there is A LOT that I cannot do until I know the classroom teachers and student’s schedules.  So I have stayed late every day, worked at home until between 9 and midnight, got up and went to school early the next morning.   I ended the week with another load of work that needs done at home this weekend, and a nagging to do list in my mind of things that are priorities over the next month.  I have passed this week with tiny prayers.  A moment before I walked in a room that held conflict I would stop and whisper a prayer of guidance and strength.  I asked for help all week and muddled through.  

 Now it is Saturday, I still need to do lesson plans and prepare for next week.  But I refused to start until I took time for bible study and prayer.  In the course of this prayer I was in tears.  I asked God how I could continue to serve him in this job and keep my head above water, and keep him with me consistently and never get bogged down.   How I could keep his peace with me, in my heart all of the time, 24/7 ?!  I heard a direct reply!  It popped into my head from ‘nowhere’ and brought with it a solid wave of peace and thanksgiving!  An answer!  He said…

1 2 3 eyes on me!”…  

 1 2 3 eyes on me!  Eyes on the Lord, all day, every day!  Remember that none of this matters, none of this earthly conflict and doubt has a place in my life, or God’s purpose for me.   It is all just a hoop to jump through.  It will pass, we will fall into routine, and the only important thing at all is to keep our eyes on the Lord.  If I keep my eyes on Him, the rest will fall into place and the peace will stay with me and stay in my heart!  I hear you Lord, I hear your call!  My answer to that call is “1 2, EYES ON YOU!!!!!”  I will keep my eyes on the Lord!  And my prize, my reward for that focus and devotion is not only a seat in eternity, but peace.  God will continue to grant me peace, every day, in every way!  Peace to live my life, peace to shine forth, peace to do his will, peace to stay focused on him, peace to fulfill his purpose for me, peace.  We are definitely getting the good end of that deal!  What is the equation for happiness?  

1  2  3  EYES ON ME       +       1  2  EYES ON YOU!!!!!!!     =      PEACE

Matthew 11:28 - 30 
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.