Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Are You to Busy for LIFE

Are you to busy for God?  We are a busy people.  Kids have sports and specialized lessons.  Adults have the gym, and meetings, and functions.  Families spend all their time running here and there.  Even church calendars and functions can keep you hopping.  Where is God in all of this?  
 I get very run down even though my kids are in no sports or activities, (some may think that is terrible – there was a time that all these activities didn’t exist.  It was family time.  Kids didn’t run out and get into trouble, because they were with their families… ), the lack of activities is their choice, and I am proud of them.  I am more proud of them choosing faith, family, and grades than I could have been for any great athletic feat anyway.  That was a little squirrel track.

We still feel like we are running everywhere now that school has started.  We feel the strain on our time together.  But I am starting to believe that run down feeling isn’t’ just because we are busy.  I think it is because God often gets left behind, I take him with me, I try, I pray little prayers all the time, but my focus is elsewhere.  We are rushing here and rushing there, not taking the time to sit and commune with God.  Not taking the time to feed our souls, to receive our daily bread.  Devotions has to be earlier and crushed before bed time, I am to tired to focus on my nightly reading, my writing is suffering, I miss bible study…  In the summer I would post something every other day, sometimes every day.  Now I am down to twice a week.  And this week, only one (when I am finished I have at least 5 hours of school work ahead of me).  I started it last Thursday but ran out of time, I had to get other things ready for school (like myself) – I had to get my daughter up to finish homework (not feeling well the night before), etc.  And I had only written half of a disjointed page!  How am I serving God in this.  I am detached, depressed, how can I be of service to God, and serve him when I do not have the time to commune with him…

Sometimes I wonder if I am supposed to be teaching.  I am helping kids to learn, I teach special education, I NEVER hide my faith, even though I am in a public school.  In a small town like I teach in, most of the teachers share my faith.  I am not sure how people can teach without faith.  But I wish I knew.

I never, ever want to be to busy for God.   Colossians 3:2 “Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.” To be to busy for God is to die…  My devotion time and writing keep me going.  I need the Lord to be at peace.  The plan, the result, what should we do?  Love God.  Keep God’s will with you wherever you go, whatever you do.  Pause to focus, set apart time in your day that no one else can intrude upon – just you and God.  Keep reading your bible.  When you feel that overwhelmed, crushing feeling - - well, when we feel a need we always make it to the bathroom for ‘alone time’ - - this is also a need, a need just as worthy of attention.  Head to the bathroom where everyone will leave you alone, and pray.  That’s what I am going to try – time out for God!  Just as some people send their kids to time-out for behavior, we need to send ourselves to time-out to prevent our own poor behavior.  Maybe I can do my bible study at lunch, and my devotional before bed?  I just know it is necessary, nothing is more important!  I don't want to loose eternal life for the life here on earth!  Only God matters!  Don't be to busy in life to receive LIFE!

Matthew 6:33  
Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

1Peter 3:17 
Remember it is better to suffer doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!

Matthew 6:24  
No one can serve two masters, for you will hate one and love the other, you will be devoted to one and despise the other…

Philippians 4:8
…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

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