Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Eve

Satan wants us to believe that we are alone.  He wants us to think that Christianity is dying out.  In past experience, at a variety of churches, the services on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning are typically not well attended.  Everyone is busy. 
We attend a very large church (huge for the size of our community).  If you are 5 minutes early (or even 5 minutes late) you can usually find a seat on Sunday morning.  It is full, but there are seats available.  We arrived to Christmas Eve services this year only 5 minutes before the service was due to start…  No seats… We checked the balcony… No seats… We finally found a spot for our family of 6 way up in the front of the church (we could only see that those seats were free when we were looking in the balcony).  Keep in mind there were still people arriving.  It was amazing.  That church was packed to standing room only on a night that most do not bother with church.  Despite what society would have us believe.  People do still know the meaning of Christmas, people do still take time out of a busy schedule to worship.  People do love the Lord. 

The amount of people was not the only thing that struck me.  The service was beautiful!  Pastor Jack wonderfully wove the birth of Christ in with the message of salvation.  Pointing out that this tiny baby was destined (his purpose for coming at all) to carry our sin to the cross.  The service was full of the touch of the Holy Spirit.  Music and message, a truly uplifting and REAL experience!  Everyone alive in Christ, together!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Quick thought on Romans 14:4

Romans 14:4
"Who are you to condemn someone else's servants?  Their master will judge whether they stand or fall.  And with the Lord's help they will stand and receive his approval."

What does this verse say to you?  To me it says we should pray for people rather than thinking they are doing something wrong.  The bible is stuffed full with verses about minding our own business and not passing judgement on other people.  This verse goes a step further.  It says we should not only judge others, but treat them kindly and pray for them.  Everyone is God's work.  Everyone needs God's help.  We can not 'fix' anyone, not even ourselves - only God can do that.

 Did you notice while reading through the gospels that not even Jesus judged others?  (He did however frequently point out to the religious leaders what they were doing wrong with their service to His Father, constructive criticism if they would have listened.)  Jesus went to those people others had judged and condemned as sinners, and he helped those people to become devoted children of God.  What more can we want?  We should never assume that God is done working in someone's life, because we never want him to be finished working in our lives.   Don't persecute - just pray.