Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Slip Covers

I have this couch… It is one of those pieces of furniture that is so comfortable there is not another like it in the world.  I once bought a couch and loveseat that were comfy deep and perfect.  I let them go and have always regretted it, because I have never seen another.  These couches are not those, they are awesome, but not as good as the really old ones.  Any way – back from the squirrel gazing- I bought this couch and loveseat set on Craigslist.  We had an oddly shaped home that had been added on to before we got it.  It had been a cracker box and was now a rather large home (for us – and we did not have all four kids at that time, only my boys lived with us full time back then).  In this remodeling, two living room type areas were created, one was a traditional family room, the other was like a giant entry to the dining room that included the front door – the living room before the remodel.  This area always looked odd and seemed to be dead space.  So online I go.  I found this loveseat and couch pair for $100, not each, together!  We went to look at them, and they were awesome!  Yes, I still use that word.  They were great, super comfortable, the perfect shade of tan to complement our red walls (furniture for a red walled room can be tricky).   
Anyway, that was probably five years ago.  Bought second hand, in a home with lots of kids and pets… these couches are not holding up well.  They are a woven fabric.  They are full of holes that will NOT stay sewn.  I have stitched, sewn, and stapled until I was blue in the face with sore fingers!  We think, we should just get rid of them… but now, in another house that kind of has two living rooms (one with the TV, one without) and a large family – they will need replaced.  The love seat moved into the TV room to join our other furniture and is my youngest daughter’s “spot”.  The other is used on a constant basis.  Both are still amazingly comfortable (frankly I like them much better than our nice furniture).  So, next we try covering them with blankets – okay- but not very effective – they don’t stay on… at all.  THEN, if one of our treasured pets finds a spot with that luscious and lovely white stuffing popping out - - - well, I wake up to the Antarctic and wonder where the indoor blizzard came from!  These couches are done, we just can’t hold on any longer… but we do.  Walking through the store one day, I pass couch slipcovers.  And they don’t look quite as dorky as others I have seen.  I can understand how they fit right after looking at them… maybe, just maybe…  They worked!  Our couches are saved for awhile longer!

Now to the point!  Sorry for the long intro.  I was lounging happily on beautiful and comfy new/old couch, admiring the smooth lines of its back, amazed that all the lumpy holes were completely disguised.  The thought occurred to me, that some of us are like that.  Hypocrites.   Jesus said the Pharisees were like that.  We all have our couch-like moments.  When you are full of holes, rips, and tears, ready to be given up on, thrown away.  And then you slip on a smooth, soft, and pleasing cover – you go to church – you do good deeds in the community.  But all the while, underneath, is a sinner full of holes.  The holes and sins are not healed, just disguised, just smoothed over.  A couch cover doesn’t get you into heaven.  Jesus can fix those holes, he can repair them so they are strong.  If they tear open again he can fix them again.  He won’t give up on us.  He will continue to stitch and sew and staple, long after his fingers hurt!  Long after the pain – long after it kills him – which it did.  The holes in people cannot be covered, the must be repaired, they must be healed, and made new through Christ with repentance, and a willingness to be repaired. 
Sometimes our holes are sins, sometimes they are emotional hurts, sometimes they are past sins that haunt us, sometimes it is deeply rooted hypocrisy.  All these holes need fixed by Jesus.  All kinds of holes need Christ’s attention.  All kinds of holes lead to death, not heaven, not eternal life.  My couch will continue rotting away beneath that clean nice slip-cover.  There will be a time when those holes cannot be disguised anymore.  There will be a time when no one wants to be near the couch because it is no longer awesomely comfortable.  There will be a time when I will have to throw them out, cast them aside.  Do not let yourself be cast aside.  Let Jesus heal your rips and tears.  I ask Jesus to repair mine all the time.  I am asking Him now.  The bible does say that continually unrepentant hearts will be hardened.  We have to be willing to let Jesus heal us.  We have to be willing to let him take off the cover and heal our wounds, and forgive our sins.  No matter how perfect a cover we have, no matter how well it fits or if it is tailor made to perfection – we still have to take it off, admit and confess the holes and rips to Jesus, even the ones we don’t know are there – and we must let him repair them and make us new.

Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.  And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are."
2 Corinthians 5:10  For we must all stand before Christ to be judged.  We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.
2 Corinthians  5: part 20,21  …”Come back to God!”  For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
2 Corinthians 7:1  Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit.  And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.

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